Mike Keyes Ministries Int’l
Mike Keyes Ministries International (MKMI) is an independent non-denominational ministry, serving the entire body of Christ as led by the Holy Spirit. We recognize God and His Word as the final authority in everything we say and do. MKMI endeavors to spread the full Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world, helping other ministers and ministries do the same. Our vision is threefold:
1. Reaching the Lost. MKMI’s first objective is to reach the lost for Jesus, presenting the message of salvation to as many as possible within the boundaries of our God-given vision.
2. Teaching the Christians. Our second objective is to teach the child of God, presenting both the milk and meat from the Word of God.
3. Training the Ministers. Our third objective is to train the ministers and Christian leaders, helping them do what God has called them to do effectively and fruitfully.
MKMI is a recognized and approved non-profit religious organization, maintaining the 501(c)3 status with the USA Government and their Internal Revenue Service. In the Philippines, MKMI has also been recognized and approved as a non-profit religious organization with the Philippine Government and their Securities and Exchange Commission.
Kingdom Freedom Ministries Inc.
Kingdom Freedom Ministries Incorporated (KFMI) is commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to fulfill a three-fold purpose and vision:
1. Impart the realities of the Kingdom of God to the Body of Christ
2. Prepare an army of Gospel laborers to reap an End-Time Harvest
3. Take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Nations
In response to a clear directive for the Lord Jesus, Kingdom Freedom Ministries was founded by Blaine Young and his wife Teri in December 2010 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Shortly thereafter, the Lord Jesus opened doors for Blaine to join and also to lead missions’ teams to countries in Central America, South America, and Asia. Missions outreach campaigns in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru, Argentina, India, Philippines and Thailand have resulted in thousands of men, women and children coming to Christ as well as church congregations and pastors and communities being strengthened, encouraged and refreshed.
Fall Festival: Outreach to our local community with free food, live music, games for children, prizes, gifts, grocery boxes give-away and much, much more. Held every year in November on the Saturday of Veteran’s Day weekend.
Israel: Following Genesis 12:3, FCCE teaches and encourages our congregation in the prayer and financial support of the State of Israel as their history (as recorded by them in God’s Word) form the backbone of God’s redemptive plan for all of His creation including mankind.