Church History

Dr. Louise Brock

Dr. Louise Brock, founder of Faith Community Church East, was reared in a minister’s home and assisted her father and mother in planting churches. Following in her parent’s footsteps, she dedicated her life to ministering the Uncompromised Word of God to the Body of Christ. Dr. Brock’s ministry spanned over 70 years from teaching Sunday School in her Father’s Church, playing the organ for William Branham and birthing a church in 1981 from a Bible study of 7 people that grew to over 1500. Her depth of insight into the riches of wisdom found in the Old Testament has challenged believers worldwide. She authored four books: How to Develop the Mind of Christ; Prophetic Prayer; Offenses Will Come (How to Protect Your Heart), and Tent of His Presence.

In 1994 along with Pastor John Jackson she planted Faith Community Church East in Tucson, Arizona. When Pastor Jackson unexpectedly passed away in 2004 she felt God speaking to her to become the Senior Pastor, she pastored until the age of 91 in 2023, at which time she became Pastor Emeritus.

Rev. Mike Keyes, Sr.

The Uncompromised Word of Faith is still being preached with Apostle Pastor Mike Keyes, Sr. Apostle Mike graduated from RHEMA Bible Training Center in 1980 and went into fulltime missionary work in the Philippines where he worked with a native Filipino and his ministry serving as a teacher and principal for the ministry’s Bible School.

In 1983, Rev. Keyes felt God’s direction to start his own work, and he founded Mike Keyes Ministries International with a vision to Reach the Lost, Teach Christians, and Train Ministers. With a consistent crusade outreach, a church network of 300 churches, and a RHEMA Bible Training Center, Rev. Keyes and his staff, pastors, graduates and students continue to fulfill the Great Commission throughout the Philippines and around the world.

In 2023 Apostle Mike answered the call of God, along with the Ministry in the Philippines, to become Senior Pastor of Faith Community Church East, in Tucson, AZ where his vision continues to be: REACHING, TEACHING and TRAINING.

Pastor Mike is married to his wife Ethel, a native Filipino, they have two children and one grandson.