un-compromised Word of God.

Join us every Sunday at 10am

What We Believe


REACHING the Lost. THE GREAT COMMISSION AND SOUL-WINNING. MARK 16:15-20. Our first objective is to reach the lost for Christ, presenting the message of salvation to as many as possible. 


TEACHING the Christians. DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING. MATTHEW 28:18-20; EPHESIANS 4:11-16. Our second objective is to teach the child of God, presenting both the milk and the meat from the Word of God, and encouraging each believer to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 


TRAINING the Ministers. REPLICATION OF LEADERSHIP.  2 TIMOTHY 2:2; COLOSSIANS 4:17, Philippians 4:9. Our third objective is to train and prepare members to become ministers, enabling our church body to duplicate and replicate the main vision and annual themes assigned by God.

Be strong - stay strong.
Be ready - stay ready.

This is who we are. This is what we do.

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